Sunday 27 April 2014

Why do you even Dota?

   Dota 2 is a famous MOBA game, based on WC3 map DOTA . I think that nowadays almost everybody has heard about it if even not tried playing it. However, for those who does not play it this game sometimes seem not interesting or entertaining at all, so i will try to explain what's so special about it in this short article.
   First of all, DOTA is a 5 vs 5 game, so it involves good communication and teamwork to win. The game is balanced is such a way that it's almost impossible to win a match by yourself, regardless how good you are.
In addition, the game strategy requires a certain role distribution , so that everyone must do his own work as a contribution to victory.
   Secondly, DOTA is a very complex game. You will need at least a few months to understand the basic and a few years to become a good player. What makes it so compex? - you may ask. The answer is not as obvious as it may seem also. Not only the amount of heroes, spells and items , but their combinations and the amount of situations in which they can be used is one point. Furthermore, Dota requires good map-awareness and reaction : you need to react fast and take right decisions in different circumstances. Also, the game meta  changing rapidly and balance fixes makes a player to adjust all the time , so that there is no common universal strategy that leads to victory. All in all, Dota  is like an optimisation problem with thousands of variables, which requires good communication skills, reaction, patience, logic, right decision-making and planning.
   I must admit that only now the game is reaching its potential fully, as it was underrated while being just a WC3 edition.Because now it has a comfortable interface and platform and also  a commercial and marketing part is  a nice addition to the game, which stimulates new players to try it and oldschoolers to keep on playing it.

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